Missionaries Escape Stoning
Posted October 27, 2010
NORTHERN AFRICA – Two Christian workers in northern Africa were visiting a new area to potentially begin work there. In the town, Paul Anderson* and Chad Simms* were confronted by someone they believe to be a demon-possessed man who was rallying a mob against them after only a few visits. The following is a first-person account by Paul.
He was stalking us like a lion; that is the only way I can describe it.
The man circled Chad* and I with his torso slightly crouched, glaring at us with eyes that threatened a vicious attack. I had never sensed such otherworldly hatred toward me.
Then he pounced — not with claws and teeth, but with wicked words and schemes. It was apparent demons controlled him for every word from his mouth was a lie, accusation or threat.
Chad and I had been working in his city for only a short time. It had shown itself to be the most peaceful and fruitful place throughout our region. In only a couple of visits we had met two families of peace.
“Every time you visit our city, you must come and teach us more about God!” exclaimed the father of one family.
It was evident the Holy Spirit was working powerfully; then the evil man showed up. He accused us publicly of propagating a foreign religion and seeking to change the culture. Then as suddenly as the confrontation began, he lurked away.
When we returned a few weeks later, however, he was violently ready. As soon as we stepped out of the truck he greeted us with a curse and began his eerie, lion-like circling of us, then he rushed away but soon returned with a small mob of young men.
It was like a scene straight from the book of Acts. He single-handedly stirred up the city against us with his lies and accusations. He and his mob were preparing to push our truck into the ditch and then stone us to death in the street.
By God’s grace, a few policemen happened to be near the very spot where we parked and protected us from the fate the man had planned for Chad and me. Unfortunately, the man whispered his lies to police, local religious leaders and anyone who would listen.
Most of the crowd believed him and also turned on us, but the local police gave us mercy and told us we should not be there.
Chad and I were forced to leave the city and have not been able to return since. We pray God will soon raise up a couple of local believers who, like Paul and Barnabas, will return to this city and rejoin the Holy Spirit’s work there.
Local believers and Christian workers alike are persecuted all over northern Africa. Pray for the Father to protect these believers and workers and pray they will continue to persevere in the face of persecution.
*Name changed for security reasons
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